Golfer Info

Some Helpful Information for Our Golfers
This page is designed to help answer some key questions that golfers may have before they visit the course --- While we've tried to include as much helpful information as possible, you may have a question that's not answered... If that's the case, please give us a call at 781-665-6656 and our Clubhouse Team will do their best to provide some answers for you!
- Mount Hood Golf Course accepts tee-times up to seven days in advance
- Golfers can book tee-times online, in person or by calling us at 781-665-6656
- Tee-times are highly recommended, especially between May and October
- Groups exceeding 8 players will be considered a golf outing and may require a deposit or pre-payment
- Why do we require a credit card? Your credit card is only required to cover any No-Show Fees should they apply to your reservation
- No-Show Fees: Weekdays = $8 per no-show player / Weekends & Holidays = $13 per no-show player
- Will my credit card be charged for the tee-times I'm reserving? NO!!! Greenfees will NOT be charged to your credit card, and each golfer in your group will be able to pay for their own greenfees once they check-in at the course
- Can I make changes or cancellations to my tee-time? Customers can easily change or cancel their tee time reservations by logging in to their MHGC tee-time account OR by calling the course during normal business hours (if you don't already have a MHGC tee-time account, you will be prompted to create an account the first time you book an online time with us)
- What happens on days when the weather is poor? We'd still appreciate a phone call if the weather is too poor to play, but we will NOT charge any No-Show Fees on days when the weather is obviously inclement
- Cancellation Deadline: To avoid being charged any No-Show Fees, you must remember to confirm any changes or cancellations no later than 24-hours before your tee-time
- Questions? If you have any questions at all about our tee-time policies, we encourage you to call us any time during normal business hours at 781-665-6656
- Mount Hood Golf Course is typically open from Early April until mid-December each year, weather permitting of course
- If there is no snow on the ground, we make every effort to remain open for golf as long as turf conditions and frost levels allow for it
- We will be closed on Christmas Day each year so that our staff can enjoy the holiday with family and friends
Mount Hood Golf Course has two Rate Seasons:
- Peak Season: March 16th thru Thanksgiving
- Off-Season: Day after Thanksgiving thru March 15th
- Mount Hood Golf Course offers a variety of Season Passes for golfers to choose from, each offering some great value --- Please visit our Rates page for Pass pricing
- Please understand that our Season Passes are not 'memberships', and that no 'special' preferencial treatment is granted to passholders --- MHGC is a public golf course and our goal is to treat every customer the same way, with the same level of courtesy & respect
Questions about our Season Passes? Call us at 781-665-6656
- Mount Hood Memorial Park & Golf Course offer one of the North Shore's most unique and picturesque venues for both special events and golf outings
- We host everything from golf outings, to anniversaries, to weddings, and beyond
- If you'd like to learn more about what Mount Hood has to offer, we welcome you to email our helpful Event Manager, Dori Basille, by clicking here.
Please call us to confirm opening times at 781-665-6656
Please confirm with our Pro Shop staff and starter to confirm our golf cart rules for the day.
- Mount Hood Golf Course offers two practice greens for golfers to warm-up or practice on before and after their round
- Short chipping is allowed as long as no divots or ball holes are made, and provided the golfers always keep safety and courtesy in mind
Mount Hood Golf Course has a limited number of BagBoy push carts that are available for 9 and 18 hole rental
- Mount Hood Golf Course offers full USGA GHIN Handicap services (annual fee applies)
- The active New England GHIN season runs from April 1st until November 15th each season
- GHIN Questions? Call us at 781-665-6656
- Mount Hood Golf Course offers a limited number of club rental sets
- If you and your group will need multiple rental sets during your visit, we encourage you to call us in advance so that we're aware of it and can plan accordingly (Call 781-665-6656)
- Balls and tees are not provided and must be purchased seperately
- Our Snack Bar at Mount Hood offers some delicious food & drink options for golfers to choose from, including:
- Hot & cold sandwiches
- Burgers & hot dogs
- A wide variety of snacks and beverages (including adult beverages)
- We also offer a beautiful outdoor sitting area for golfers to relax before or after their round --- It's the perfect spot to tally up the scorecard!
We offer a nice selection of golf apparel, balls, bags, gloves and various golf accessories in our pro shop.
We do our best to have our Beverage Cart operating daily during the busiest times of the golf season (see days & times below). Our Beverage Cart serves ice-cold beer & refreshments, as well as light snacks for golfers to enjoy on the course!
- Note: We try to have our Beverage Cart running when the weather & the volume of play justifies it
Frost Delays should be anticipated in the early spring and late fall months, so we ask our golfers to be prepared on colder mornings. Frost delays can range from 15 minutes up to two hours, depending upon our opening time and the weather, but it's important to note that we'll never suspend play beyond 9 AM!